Supplements Beneficial for Horses Prone to Laminitis

Supplements Beneficial for Horses Prone to Laminitis

Caring for horses and ponies prone to laminitis often involves tailoring their diet to promote overall health and hoof strength. In this article, we explore the benefits of supplements for equines prone to laminitis and the importance of natural ingredients in maintaining healthy hooves.

Why Healthy Hooves Matter

Healthy hooves are the foundation of your horse’s well-being. Not only do they support proper leg function and body weight, but they also play a critical role in your horse’s mobility and overall health. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients and minerals is crucial for strong, durable hooves.

Understanding Hoof Structure

The hoof comprises both internal and external structures that work together seamlessly as your horse moves. Among these is the laminae—finger-like tissue structures that anchor the hoof wall to the foot. Inflammation of the laminae, often due to dietary or environmental factors, can result in laminitis. For horses prone to this condition, a carefully managed diet is essential.

For more details about hoof structure and care, explore this helpful guide: Essential Hoof Care for Horses.

Supplements to Support Hoof Health

Incorporating the right supplements into your horse’s diet can make a significant difference in maintaining hoof strength and overall health. Look for products that include:

  • Bioavailable sulphur: Supports the development of strong, healthy hooves and laminae.
  • Antioxidants: Promote circulation and reduce oxidative stress.
  • Prebiotics: Balance digestive microflora, essential for nutrient absorption, especially in restricted diets.

Maintaining a Balanced Diet

For horses prone to laminitis, a restricted diet often becomes necessary. Supplements formulated to address the specific needs of these horses can help ensure they receive the vital nutrients needed to maintain hoof integrity and overall well-being.

Taking proactive steps, like adding the right supplements, can help your horse stay healthy and comfortable, even when prone to laminitis.

Supplement for healthy foot structures

For those equines prone to laminitis and on restrictive diets, it can be a challenge. But maintaining a restricted yet well-balanced food programme is vitally important for continued hoof health.

If you are unsure about how to support your horse which is prone to this condition, please contact your vet, who can make recommendations for diet and feed including supplements.

Maxalami supplement

At maxavita we’ve developed a high spec supplement to aid your horse or pony during periods of challenging hoof health.

Our maxalami supplement contains powerful antioxidants, along with the renowned advantages of Green Lipped Mussel, which is ideal to support the health & wellbeing of horses and ponies, especially those on restricted diets.

The key ingredients support the development of healthy hooves and laminae within the foot, in particular the inclusion of bioavailable sulphur. Plant extracts, rich in natural antioxidants support optimum circulation, and bioavailable magnesium provides essential dietary support during times of sudden grass growth.

Also included is an innovative prebiotic, combining both long & short chain oligosaccharides, the combination of which has been seen to have a beneficial effect on weight management and digestive microflora, essential in supporting optimum health of the horse, in particular when feed and calorie intake is being managed.

If in doubt call you vet

Please note that laminitis is a very serious condition and classified as a medical emergency – if your horse is showing signs contact you vet immediately.

If you are struggling to maintain your horse’s feet, consult your farrier or vet for their advice.

For further information about Maxalami, please see here


We provide high quality Green Lipped Mussel supplements for both the horse and dogs. We are passionate about Green Lipped Mussel (GLM) and the benefits it can offer to support health issues including:

  • Joint care and maintenance
  • Respiratory problems
  • Hoof and skin problems
  • Nervous tension
  • Digestive irritation
  • Heart and muscle health and other inflammatory conditions

We are constantly researching and developing new products to utilise our patented GLM extract, SuPerna, to its maximum potential. We are committed to developing unique, high-quality supplements, using only the best natural ingredients.

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